Home Read Classic Album Review: Kyle Riabko | Kyle Riabko EP

Classic Album Review: Kyle Riabko | Kyle Riabko EP

The blue-eyed Regina soul-popster unveils his prodigious talent on this strong EP.


This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Move over, Remy Shand. There’s a new blue-eyed soul-pop kid on the block. And I do mean kid.

Saskatoon’s Kyle Riabko is barely old enough to drive, but he’s clearly in the express lane to world domination if his striking debut EP is any sign. Co-produced by local hitmaker Chris Burke-Gaffney — and extrapolated from the prodigal Riabko’s home demos — this seven-track gem unveils a talent of Princely proportion, power and precocity. Despite his tender years, Kyle the musician boasts supple ’n’ creamy pipes, some guitar-hero firepower and decent keyboard skills. Kyle the songwriter, meanwhile, is just as much of a multi-tasker, equally adept at fingerpopping jazz-funk, bluesy soul seduction and overheated bump ’n’ grind R&B horndoggery. Put it all together and you have a mack-daddy man-child for the MuchMusic masses. And a disc that will rock your body — at least until curfew if not the break of day.