Home Read Classic Album Review: Destroyer | City Of Daughters

Classic Album Review: Destroyer | City Of Daughters

The singer-songwriter's witty wordplay & sly melodies make this well worth the trip.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


There’s quirky and then there’s quirky. And then there’s Dan Bejar. The eccentric singer/songwriter of Destroyer can be so idiosyncratic he almost makes Jonathan Richman look like John Denver.

With their lazily strummed acoustic guitar and Pavementesque, warbling vocals, Bejar’s twisted, romantic tales of cyclopses, gnostics and crimes against the state of our love, baby, could easily come off like some sort of goofball parody of ’60s folk. But his infectiously humourous wordplay and wide-eyed delivery — not to mention his sly sense of melody — save the day, making City Of Daughters a place you want to visit again.