Home Read Classic Album Review: Hepcat | Out of Nowhere

Classic Album Review: Hepcat | Out of Nowhere

The California ska traditionalists rescue and upgrade a long-lost 1993 release.


This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


If Out of Nowhere sounds like some old disc, well, it is.

This superb debut album from California ska traditionalists Hepcat came out back in 1993, but has been MIA since the band’s old label went belly-up. Now it’s back with remastered sound and even a couple of bonus leftovers. But there’s no improving on the band’s uncanny ability to recreate the bouncy grooves, supple horns, clattering drums and laid-back soul of classic Jamaican ska and bluebeat. That’s really why this album sounds so old — and so damn fine to boot.