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Classic Album Review: Simon Says | Jump Start

Their follow-the-leader name pretty much sums up their genre — and this album.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


I bet the spiky-heads in this dreadful, derivative post-grunge outfit just thought the name Simon Says was, like, cool. Well, they were right — but probably not for the reasons they think.

I like the handle because it pretty much sums up the whole dreary modern-rock genre — a bunch of kids all doing the exact same thing while following somebody else’s lead. Simon Says, put a big guitar riff here; Simon Says, add a funky drum track here; Simon Says, try to sound like you’re from Seattle. Now write a unique song. Oops, not so fast — I didn’t say Simon Says. Simon Says, please go away.