Home Read Classic Album Review: Hugh Cornwell | Black Hair Black Eyes Black Suit

Classic Album Review: Hugh Cornwell | Black Hair Black Eyes Black Suit

The Stranglers frontman takes up where his old band left off with this solo release.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


You can take Hugh Cornwell out of The Stranglers, but you can’t take The Stranglers out of Hugh Cornwell.

That much is obvious from the singer-guitarist’s latest solo album, originally released in ’97 in England as Guilty. But the only thing Hugh seems guilty of is trying to cut his former bandmates out of the royalty pie. These dozen tracks could have come from any late-period Stranglers release. They have the same two-fisted keyboards, rock-solid drumming and funky, roaming bass lines. And of course, Hugh’s deadpan delivery, tumbleweed-dry wit and darkly elegant pop. Then again, Hugh always did look good in black.