Home Read Booster Fawn Do It (Well, More Like Redo It) Pour Maman

Booster Fawn Do It (Well, More Like Redo It) Pour Maman

The Montreal collective embrace their mother tongue on their expansive new EP.

Booster Fawn’s songs gain something in translation on their expansive and entrancing new French-langauge EP Pour Maman — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

The latest offering from the brainchild of prolific Montreal multi-talent Joshua Marc Seguin, the three-track Pour Maman is his first release entirely sung in French. But if it sounds familiar, no wonder: The three songs on the EP are actually Francophone versions of tracks from his most recent album Dreams Made Of Snowflakes, issued in September on the American label Damaged Halo Records. Along with the linguistic shift, the songs have been given a musical makeover, transformed from tightly formed indie-rock gems into shapeshifting, high-flying epics.

“The reason me and the guys decided to re-record these songs is because they have evolved a lot over the last year,” Seguin said. “Playing them live, we realized that the three pieces lent themselves well to long instrumental jams. This is why the three songs here are twice as long or longer than the original English versions. We also noticed (looking at our streaming statistics) that many of our fans were French-speaking, or at least they listened to music in French.

“Since our mother tongue is French, even if I am more comfortable at the moment singing in English, the choice to re-record them in this way was quite natural. My mother has always been there for me and when it came time to find a name for this EP, the title Pour Maman immediately came to my mind. It’s an EP that shows a sensitive and true side of my personality; undoubtedly one of my most vulnerable outings to date.”

A visionary musical collective creating a mesmerizing blend of pop, folk and rock music while transcending traditional genre norms, Booster Fawn have a singular sound that skillfully captures the beauty, complexities and mysteries of earthly existence. The collective draw inspiration from an array of musical genres and artists, including Leonard Cohen, Wolf Parade, Pink Floyd and The Smiths. This diverse range of influences enriches their music, making them a standout force in the music scene.

Originally from a single-parent family in North Lancaster, Ont., Seguin has been following the Montreal music scene since 2004; it inspired him to make music and move there in 2008. Before finding as voice as Booster Fawn, Seguin was a professional snowskater. Because of his background editing skateboard and snowskate videos, he directs and edits the band videos.

Early releases like Internet Mixtape #1, Sailor Songs and Psychic Laundry From Smoke-and-Mirror World enabled him to explore various styles before settling on his unique musical brand. The 2021 EP Wampire; Or, We’ll Still Be Flowering Dragon Eggs Long After We Die set the tone for his future releases.

His music has been compared to that of David Bowie, Talking Heads, Richard Hell, Elton John, The Cure, Neutral Milk Hotel, Bob Dylan, Florence And The Machine, Soft Boys, Syd Barrett, Robyn Hitchcock, Modest Mouse, Velvet Underground, Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, Lou Reed, Flaming Lips, Radiohead and Arcade Fire.

Listen to Pour Maman below and join Booster Fawn on their website, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.