Thursday Mixtape | More Than 130 Songs That Are Right As Rain (Side 4)

I went for a walk in the park this morning. I nearly got caught in a sudden cloudburst. After it dried out, I went to the store. When I came out, it was pouring. Now it’s nice again and I’m on the patio. I can already hear thunder in the distance. Some days you just can’t win. Good thing you can’t lose with today’s roster of 130-plus singles, videos, cover tunes, remixes, unburied treasures, golden oldies and live performances — most of which you won’t find anywhere else (and only one of which features the word rain in its title). Your Tinnitist-approved tracks are tagged with a ⭐️. No umbrella required:



1Incantation | Concordat (The Pact) I

2⭐️ The Gorge | A Decision Was Made

3⭐️ The Bites | Heather Leather

4⭐️ Maggot Heart | Looking Back At You

5Ice Giant | Ghost Of Humanity

6Serenity | Ritter Tod und Teufel (Knightfall)

7Bloodred Hourglass | The End We Start From

8Ultrablast | Drive Me Away

9⭐️ Metallica | No Leaf Clover (Gothenburg, Sweden – June 18, 2023)

10Grave Secrets | Mood Ring

11Elwood Stray | Seasons

12Trying Times | Hands of God

13Saul | Better As A Memory

14Blood Vision | Back for Blood

15⭐️ Short Stack | Shotgun Wedding

16Virgin Steele | Black Earth & Blood

17TakaLaiton | Get What You Asked For

18Rocky’s Pride & Joy | Red Altar

19Asinhell | Fall of the Loyal Warrior

20Reverence to Paroxysm | Necropacity

21Another Thursday | In The Dark