In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m far from the sharpest banana on the Christmas tree. Despite being a board-certified doofus, however, I often enjoy talking to smart people. I had that pleasure today when I interviewed the fascinating Nick Waterhouse about his fantastic new album The Fooler, which arrives April 1 (naturally). It was definitely the first time I’ve talked to a musician who peppered his answers with terminology like “Joycean epiphanies” and “gambler’s fallacy.” Plus, he was gracious enough not to make me feel stupider than I already felt chatting with him. You can watch our conversation when the disc drops, but for now, entertain yourself with these 130-plus new singles, videos, cover tunes, remixes, golden oldies, unburied treasures and live performances — most of which you won’t find anywhere else. Your Tinnitist-approved tracks are tagged with a
. What, I’m like a clown to you? Yeah, OK, fair enough: