Home Read Classic Album Review: The Dictators | Go Girl Crazy

Classic Album Review: The Dictators | Go Girl Crazy

The ’Tators debut is is still one of the coolest albums most folks have never heard.

This came out in 2003 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


“You know, baby, I’m the next big thing,” bellowed Handsome Dick Manitoba like a rutting bull moose back in ’75, when he and his Noo Yawk blood brudders in The Dictators released their bizarre debut Go Girl Crazy.

Well, nearly 30 years later, Dick is still waiting for his closeup. But Go Girl Crazy! is still one of the coolest albums most folks have never heard. Nimbly toeing the line between heavy metal, punk rock and comedy, the ’Tators sang the praises of cars, girls, weekends, wrasslin’ and White Castle sliders. They crafted hilariously tasteless tongue-in-cheek efforts like Back To Africa and Master Race Rock (“We are the members of the master race / Got no style and we got no grace”). Plus they weren’t too proud to raid their little sisters’ 45s for I Got You Babe and California Sun. And they did it all with plenty o’ crunching guitar, pounding drums and boisterous confidence. So maybe they ain’t the next big thing. But they’ll do till it comes along.

