Home Read Classic Album Review: Various Artists | Reggae Lasting Love Songs Vol. 3

Classic Album Review: Various Artists | Reggae Lasting Love Songs Vol. 3

Here's hoping Reggae Lasting Love Songs 1 & 2 were better than this bland offering.

This came out in 2003 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


If music be the food of love, there’s no reason to go hungry at this time of year. As always, there are plenty of new Valentine’s Day albums on the racks to help you get something cooking at your own romantic feast this weekend. Here’s one of them. Now go get ’em, tiger.

COME-ONS: Somehow, I missed Reggae Lasting Love Songs 1 and 2. Here’s hoping they were better than this bland offering, which features a bunch of no-names and second-stringers crooning over generic reggae-pop backbeats.

TURN-ONS: Well, the model wearing nothing but rose petals inside the CD booklet is a nice treat.

TURN-OFFS: Tinga Stewart’s version of The Bee GeesHow Can You Mend A Broken Heart isn’t even reggae. And Delroy Wilson’s contribution is called Happy Birthday. Hello? Delroy? Wrong holiday.

GOES WITH: Rum drinks, Red Stripe, roti, hot tubs, bathing suits, coconuts, bananas.