Thursday Mixtape | 150 Songs To Bust December Wide Open (Side 3)

Well, here we are again: December. The busiest, noisiest, costliest and most aggravating month of the year. As the Hag used to say: If we make it through December, we’ll be fine. That’s a mighty big if, if you ask me. Still, let’s make the best of it — by starting off the month with 150 singles, videos, cover tunes, remixes, golden oldies and live performances. As usual, there are dozens of gems here you won’t see or hear anywhere else. And since it’s also THAT time of year, I’ve started putting the holiday songs in their own section so you can play them all in a row — or avoid them easier. Either way, you’re welcome. Today’s Tinnitist-approved tracks are tagged with a ❄️. Don’t flake on me:



62 | The Flaying | Angry, Undead

63 | Rave The Reqviem | Ofelia

64 | Deviser | Cold Comes The Night

65 | In Oceans Deep | Suicide

66 | Polar | Rush

67 | Half Me | Blacklight

68 | Elwood Stray | No Cure

69 | The Abbey | Widow’s Will

70 | Those Damn Crows | This Time I’m Ready

71 | Serene | Alone

❄️ 72 | Sea of Flame | Pins and Needles

❄️ 73 | The Ghost of Fu Kang Walker | Out of Body Experience

74 | Confined | Symbols In Decay

75 | Obituary | Dying Of Everything

76 | Kromheim | The Landing


77 | SNTS | Victory Makes History

78 | OLS | Głosy

79 | Ethel Cain | A House In Nebraska (Live)

80 | Void Chapter | Drones

81 | Weird Wolves | Snake Soul


82 | Angry Corpses | Kill The Bully (t. Danny Diablo)

83 | Vrsty | D34d

❄️ 84 | Moskito | 517

85 | Plxntkid | For A Reason