Fun Fact No. 1: Laura Jane Grace apparently had such a great time in Winnipeg this weekend that she sent out a Tweet saying she wants to move here — if she can find a Canadian to marry her. I’d throw my hat in the ring, but I doubt my wife would approve. Plus, I’m pretty sure she can do way better. Fun Fact No. 2: Chad Kroeger of Nickelback says everybody has been mispronouncing his name for decades — it’s Kroo-ger, not Krow-ger. I know a way around that: He could marry Laura Jane and become Chad Grace. It has a ring to it, doncha think? Fittingly, so do the 60 songs on today’s roundup of new singles, videos, cover tunes, remixes and what not. Today’s Tinnitist-approved tracks are tagged with a ✅. Check ’em out: