Home Read Classic Album Review: Robert Michaels | Allegro

Classic Album Review: Robert Michaels | Allegro

The flamenco-jazz guitarist has technique to spare. But he needs better material.

This came out in 2002 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Liona Boyd, Jesse Cook, Robert Michaels … exactly how many jazz-flamenco guitarists does Canada have? More importantly, how many do we need?

Thankfully, on his newest album Allegro, Toronto’s Michaels displays all the light-fingered technique and fiery fretwork needed to impress even the most casual listener. And he separates himself from the pack with some distinctive originals, highlighted by a spicy number called Cubano that’s a dead ringer for the Sex and the City theme. But when he starts churning out the cover tunes — including instrumental versions of The Doors Riders on the Storm, Phil CollinsIn the Air Tonight and, heaven help us all, Classical Gas — you have the sudden urge to order a latte and browse some magazines. Next time, less Muzak and more music, please.