Monday Mixtape (Side 1) | 56 Songs To Ease You Into The Holidays

I held out as long as I could. I really did. But I am just one man. One tired, broken old man. I can only do so much. And every day, they kept coming. Relentless. Unstoppable. Unforgiving. I tried to ignore them. I tried to shut them out. But they just increased in number. They would not be denied. And in the end, like they always do, they overwhelmed and beat me into submission. So I give up. I’m throwing in the towel and surrendering. As of today, I am finally including holiday songs in the Mixtape. I’m sorry. I only wish I had been stronger. On the plus side, today’s lineup of 56 new singles, videos, cover tunes and remixes also has plenty of presents for the Scrizooges in the hizzouse. Your Tinnitist-approved cuts are flagged with a ❄️. Let it show, let it show, let it show:



1+2 | Wet Leg | Too Late Now + Oh No

3 | System Exclusive | Inline Online

4 | Trentemøller | Dead Or Alive

5 | Anthony OKS | Fortified Bond (ft. Begonia)

6+7 | Kurstin x Grohl: The Hanukkah Sessions 2021: Stay + Blitzkrieg Bop

8 | Dregg & Nerve | Beta Gods

9 | Hen Ogledd | Tip Trip (Trip To The Tip)

10 | The Moneygoround | Very Cherry


11 | Cecilia::eyes | Parenthesis

12 | The Frostbite Faction | Pacific Christmas

13 | Marissa Paternoster | Black Hole

14 | Groom Epoch | Your Name

15 | Lexmo | PST

16 | No Saviors | This Is Not America

17 | Michael J. Valentine | Rise

18 | Lotus | Spaghetti