Thursday Mixtape (Side 3) | 85 Songs That Will Keep You Busy

Every time I think things can’t get any busier around here, I am instantly proven wrong. Between emails and interviews and clients and errands and chores, today was straight-up nuts. But not so crazy that I didn’t make time to lovingly curate this collection of 85 singles, videos, cover tunes, remixes and more for your viewing and listening pleasure. And you know I dug up plenty of cool stuff that you won’t find anywhere else. Today’s top Tinnitist-approved tunes are tagged with a 🌀. Take ’em for a spin:



🌀 31 | Half Me | Trauma Culture

🌀 32 | Doodswens | Het Zwartewaterland

33 | Atrox Trauma | Vanity

🌀 34 | Chuck Wright’s Sheltering Sky | Army Of Me

35 | Celeste | Des Torrents De Coups

36 | Blackbeard Wizard | The Hug

🌀 37 | Animals As Leaders | The Problem of Other Minds

38 | Impending Doom | New World Horror

39 | Joseph Izayea | Reflection

40 | Saint Asonia | Blinding Lights


🌀 41 | Master Nate & The Reprobates | One Too

42 | Magnolia Park | 10 For 10

43 | Silverstein | It’s Over

44 | The Goodbye Summer | Rocket