Nano Talrose Is Falling Deeper For You

The London pop singer-songwriter takes the romantic plunge in his latest cut.

Nano Talrose is head over heels in his romantic pop single and video Falling Deeper — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

A soulful and supple track about taking the romantic plunge and diving into the waters of passion and desire, the songs introduces itself over a pulsing electric riff before branching off into an lo-fi electronic vibe dreamily graced with the London pop singer-songwriter’s exquisitely intimate vocas.

“The song is very different from all the other songs I’ve made so far, which are usually slower with more heartfelt lyrics and emotion,” Talrose recalls. “Falling Deeper has more of a grunge-pop or alt-pop vibe … I started writing it when I first met someone. I was falling for them, and didn’t want to move too quickly. I tried playing it cool, but still told them how I felt. I ended up showing them the song and they loved it, and said I really should take it to the studio. So I did.”

There, with the help of engineer and producer Damian Birdsey of Birdcage Studios, things came together. “Everything fell into place perfectly as we were creating,” Talrose says. “It was honestly such a smooth process working on the production.”

Shot by videographer and editor Hamza Qureshi, the adjoining video for Falling Deeper landed on the first birthday of Talrose’s nephew. “The ‘1’ candle on the birthday cake in the video is actually a tribute to my nephew. He always puts his hands in the air and bounces when I play Falling Deeper at home. I’m excited for the world to hear it and bounce along, too!”

Watch Falling Deeper above, hear more from Nano Talrose below, and bounce over to his website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.