Tuesday Mixtape (Side 1) | 106 Songs That Will Keep You On Your Toes

Did you happen to wake up in a weird mood today? You’re not alone. It’s apparently going around, based on some of the eccentric, unusual and just plain nutty videos, singles, covers and remixes that landed in my lap today. As usual, there are dozens of goodies you won’t find anywhere else. Today’s Tinnitist-approved cuts are marked with 🏆 — but really, it’s an honour just to be nominated. And the winners are:



1 | Mono | Riptide

2 | Kate Vargas | Rumpumpo

3 | Low | Disappearing

4 | Tropical Fuck Storm | New Romeo Agent

5 | Badge Epoch | Fruit Cocktail In Heavy Syrup

6 | Smith, Lyle & Moore | Born To Be Wild

7 | Brian Wilson | Desert Drive

8 | Laura Carbone | Nightride

9 | The Love Valets | Yesterday’s Tomorrow

10 | Mac McCaughan | Dawn Bends

11 | Gord Downie | I Stand Before The Songwriters’ Cabal (Spoken Word by Rob Baker)

12 | Idles | Model Village (ft. Slowthai)