This came out in 2001 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):
A heavy metal band with an electric Celtic fiddler. An album called Folkemon. Song titles like Polkageist, Think Back and Lie of England and The Disenchanted Forest. Sounds pretty cool, right? Or at least half-decent. Or at least different.
Well, this 10th album (no, I haven’t heard the other nine either) from Newcastle progressive metal outfit Skyclad is, sadly, none of these. The music is really just standard epic Eurometal that isn’t nearly as clever as the song titles. Plus the whole Celtic thing has been so overdone that it just seems old hat. At its best, Skyclad reminds you somewhat of Jethro Tull’s heavier moments. At its worst, it explains why you never heard their first nine albums.