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Albums Of The Week: Various Artists | Rough Guide to the Best Japanese Music You’ve Never Heard

The title of this latest Rough Guide musical travelogue pretty much says it all.

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE: “This Rough Guide offers an insight into the richness and diversity of some of Japan’s most fascinating alternative music scenes. A collection of hard-to-discover musical gems by artists relatively unknown outside of Japan that follow on from the success of other Japanese albums in the Rough Guide series.

Compiled by the renowned radio presenter, journalist, and Japanese music expert Paul Fisher, this collection presents pioneering artists who push the boundaries of Japanese music, whilst at the same time paying respect to their musical heritage. A seamless collection of tracks from surf guitar-influenced rock and pop to today’s traditional revivalists. New and original sounds straight from the source. The wonderfully diverse collection explores some of Japan’s lesser-known contemporary styles by artists rooted in tradition. From the female divas of the southern Ryukyu islands to the minyo revivalists Boomdigi, Aragehonzi and Tsukudanaka Sanpachi, this is an album full of intrigue and surprises.”