Home Read Albums Of The Week: Glasvegas | Godspeed

Albums Of The Week: Glasvegas | Godspeed

The Scottish trio’s swooning noise-pop is in full effect on their first LP in seven years.

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE:Godspeed is the much-awaited fourth album from Glasvegas. The 11-track album was written, engineered, produced and recorded by James Allan.

Keep Me A Space was the band’s first new release in over seven years and the first single from Godspeed. Originally written for a grieving relative, someone for whom, “from one day to the next, something changed and it couldn’t be fixed, couldn’t be brought back,” Keep Me a Space is peak Glasvegas, one of those songs that seem capable of breaking your heart and putting it back together again.

My Body Is A Glasshouse (A Thousand Stones Ago) was the second single from Godspeed. Says Allen: “One night when I was walking home from the studio, there was a young girl that was walking towards me. There’s a certain park between the studio and my house and sometimes you see prostitutes there. This one girl was probably about 15 or so and I was walking past her and it kinda stuck in my head until I got home. I started to imagine a broken glass house and that’s the night when I wrote the song.”

Dying To Live was the third single. A theme of nihilism and self-destruction courses through the abrasive garage-rock track, asking ‘Why do I do what I do when I do? / I was empty, I was bleeding, so fuck you.’ “It’s song about chasing a feeling you know is killing you,” explains James. “Maybe it’s something warped or irrational, but it’s an impulse familiar to everyone.”

Shake The Cage (für Theo) is the latest single. Says James: “As I was looking down at my nephew after he was born I thought what would I say if he could understand me?” Shake The Cage remains plenty weird in its finished state — a kind of dystopian, free-associative Choose Life sermon (’stand on a wave / calculate quantum mechanics / surf, dance / believe in chance’) set to the escalating dread and claustrophobia of a John Carpenteresque murder-chase.”