Home Read Now Hear This: The Carvels NYC | Live At The Cutting Room

Now Hear This: The Carvels NYC | Live At The Cutting Room

I'm getting caught up on the good albums that have come out lately. Like this one.

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE:The Carvels NYC were formed by singer/songwriter Lynne Von Pang (Da Willys, Trick Babys) and guitarist Brian Morgan (Disruptors), rounded out by drummer Steve Pang, bassist/vocalist RB Korbet and saxophonist Trevor Galvin.

The Carvels NYC have been releasing an EP per year since 2016, showcasing their unique garage punk-meets-girl group sound and satirical humour via sticky original tunes like You Make Me Wanna Be Alone and Everything With You is a Travesty. In 2019 the band signed to Die Laughing Records and released the three-song EP Late Night Heart, followed by the punk rock holiday romp Santa Had to Get a Day Job.

Fans have waited a long time for a full-length release from The Carvels NYC. In March 2020 a live recording in front of an audience was planned at The Cutting Room in NYC. Unfortunately, the event was canceled due to lockdown closures of music venues. That did not stop the band! In May 2020 they regrouped onstage, distanced and masked, at the legendary (and now empty) venue to record Live At The Cutting Room.”