Home Read Daniel Romano Goes Punk On Latest Quarantine Release

Daniel Romano Goes Punk On Latest Quarantine Release

The prolific musical polymath changes gears again with the help of family and friends.

Some people thrive in a crisis. Daniel Romano is clearly one of them, based on his prodigious output of late. The prolific musical polymath — who has released everything from live albums and love poems to prog-rock epics with the drummer from Tool in recent weeks — switches gears again for his latest release Spider Bite. Apparently joining forces with Constantines frontman Steve Lambke (who also co-owns their record label You’ve Changed) and his brother/bandmate Ian, Romano delivers a short, sharp shot of old-school punk and hardcore. Three guys, four chords, 10 songs, 18 minutes and 0% bullshit. Hey ho, let’s go. At this point, we should probably start a pool on what kind of album he’ll release next week. Anybody want to put money on polka?