Home Read Classic DVD Review: Super Furry Animals | Phantom Power

Classic DVD Review: Super Furry Animals | Phantom Power

The Welsh pop eccentrics eschew boring videos for some inspired animation.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Most bands just make a bunch of predictable videos to go with their albums.

Thankfully, Welsh pop oddballs Super Furry Animals are very different from most bands. And Phantom Power is very different from most music DVDs. Instead of performance clips or artsy dramatics, SFA set their sunshiney melodies and psychedelic arrangements to divinely unusual and inspired animation, creating distinctive and colourful soundscapes aimed at the big kids in the crowd. For extra laughs, listen to the audacious commentary track by the band’s fictional American superstar producer.