This came out in 2000 — or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):
“My mama raised a devil child,” barks Danko Jones on his new EP — and within seconds, you know he ain’t lyin’. Some sort of Faustian bargain had to go down to spawn a demonic, swaggering sex machine as raw and powerful as this Toronto singer/guitarist.
Like a Canuck Jon Spencer, Jones (in the tradition of Alice Cooper and Van Halen, it’s also the name of the band) welds the macho boasting of Delta blues to the three-chord, white-hot nihilism of punk. But he doesn’t stop there; on this six-track offering (an appetizer for his debut disc due shortly), the pimpish Jones also factors in a healthy selection of Grade A, ZZ Top-style riffage, ending up with a thick ‘n’ chewy blooz-rawk sludge that wows the lads even as Jones woos their women with his red-hot hoodoo voodoo. “You can call me The Mango Kid,” he says by way of introduction, “but your girl calls me baby.” You can’t blame her.