Home Read Albums Of The Week: Sunflower Bean | Shake

Albums Of The Week: Sunflower Bean | Shake

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE:Shake is the new EP from New York trio Sunflower Bean — vocalist and bassist Julia Cumming, guitarist and vocalist Nick Kivlen and drummer Olive Faber.

The band’s first fully self-produced and recorded project, Shake features some of Sunflower Bean’s heaviest, most immediate, and loudest music to date. Influenced by the doom-laden, heavy metal sound of Black Sabbath, the EP is an embrace of rock tropes and excess, and recalls the sonic of the band’s earliest work, Show Me Your Seven Secrets and Human Ceremony.

Shake was inspired by our first years as a DIY band, the spirit that birthed us and gave us the chance to have this enduring journey together,” the band  explain. “We wrote, recorded, engineered, and produced these songs so nothing was filtered through anyone else’s idea of us. We always felt like rock ’n’ roll was a feeling, not a sound. But sometimes there is no subverting it or explaining it. We’re now offering it exactly as it occurred to us.”