Home Read Classic Album Review: Sloan | Between The Bridges

Classic Album Review: Sloan | Between The Bridges

Canada's most gifted and dependable power-pop tunesmiths do it again.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


You know what sucks? That hacks like the Backstreet Boys are rich and famous while talented bands like Sloan continue to toil in obscurity.

But alas, it will surprise no one that musical quality seldom generates fiancial quantity in the music biz — and I doubt this latest masterpiece from Canada’s most gifted and dependable power-pop tunesmiths will change that. With its watertight harmonies, razor-sharp hooks, wry lyrics, Joh Lennon-meets-Ben Folds segues, disco breaks and even the occasional cry of “Whooooo!”, Between The Bridges is one of the smartest, most original pop-rock discs of the year. And it’ll still be exponentially outsold by Britney Spears. Sigh.