Home Read Classic Album Review: Royal Trux | Veterans Of Disorder

Classic Album Review: Royal Trux | Veterans Of Disorder

The junkie-rock duo stick to their tried-and-true musical cocktail on this eighth set.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Along with death and taxes, there is a third certainty in life: Royal Trux. And it’s far more welcome than the others.

Over the last decade, the junkie-rock duo of singer Jennifer Herrema and guitarist Neil Hagerty have ignored every musical trend, steadfastly sticking to a tried-and-true cocktail of ragged boogie-rock, whacked-out barbiturate blues and Jenny’s she-goat-from-Hell voice. So it’s no surprise that Veterans Of Disorder, the pair’s eighth outing, has all the Glimmer Twins decadence and dumbass lyrics (“I wanna go to the water park / The water’s cool but the sun is hot!”) of discs past. And while a few songs (like the sonic freakout Blue Is The Frequency) are less accessible than the rattle ’n’ hum of ’98’s Accelerator, fear not: Disorder is still guaranteed to please.