Home Read Classic Album Review: Battershell | Luv Punks

Classic Album Review: Battershell | Luv Punks

The N.Y.C. pop-punk trio just want to have fun — perhaps a little too much.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Courtney Love on Prozac? Juliana Hatfield on uppers?

It’s easy to quip, but harder to find an apt comparison for the quirky combo platter of femininity and ferocity found in Tammy Lynn, singer-guitarist for co-ed N.Y.C. trio Battershell. Her songs have all the ragged-ass punk shredding and girl-pop melody of the two women above, but without all the wrist-slash sentiment. Tammy, much like another famous female singer she has nothing in common with, just wants to have fun. And on Luv Punks, there’s plenty to be had: Goofy originals about circus tragedies, tattooed dogs and porn stars; goofy covers like a white-knuckle take on White Wedding; and goofy classic rock nods to everyone from KISS to The Vapors. Along with the everything-and-the-kitsch-in-sync production, it’s almost too cute for its own good sometimes, but on the whole, Luv is all you need.