Home Read Classic Album Review: Mr. Scruff | Keep It Unreal

Classic Album Review: Mr. Scruff | Keep It Unreal

Electronica may be thinking man’s music — but Scruff doesn't overthink it either.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


There are plenty of electronica artists who can take it way too seriously — like say, Moby at his most overblown.

Then there are those who don’t take it seriously enough — like Fatboy Slim at his most lunkheaded. Manchester DJ Andy Carthy manages to cut a groove straight between both camps. Utilizing jaunty jazz samples, springy bass lines and blaxploitation soul grooves, he leavens his relaxed dance floor tracks into playful statements (at times, they cheekily recall Moby’s recent blues-tinged efforts) without overstepping into sonic silliness. Electronica may be thinking man’s music — but you don’t have to think too much.