Home Read Classic Album Review: Mike Trike | Apartment 18

Classic Album Review: Mike Trike | Apartment 18

Paperbacks guitarist Michael Marshall is right at home on this indie-pop gem.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


We’ve all have heard of bedroom-pop, but this is ridiculous.

Paperbacks guitarist Michael Marshall says he did most of the “musical agonizing” for this solo disc while living in an Osborne Village bachelor suite last summer. His agony is nothing short of your ecstasy. Apartment 18 is a flawless jewel of gorgeous, shimmering indie-pop highlighted by Marshall’s winsome melodies and hushed vocals. He gets a little help from members of Nathan, Novillero, Chords of Canada and others who lend a hand crafting the lazy beats and vaguely rootsy backdrops for these dozen tracks. But if that apartment deserves as much credit for this disc as it seems, he might want to consider renewing the lease.

FILE UNDER: Short ’n’ suite.