The Grindhouse | Jupiter Cyclops, Infrared, NightWraith & More Olympian Performances

If there were an Olympic medal for Best Metal Performance During An Opening Ceremony, it would have to go to French heavyweights Gojira for their, high-velocity, high-angle castle-window rendition of the Revolutionary track Ah! Ça Ira! last week. For those who didn’t catch it, I can only say: Get thee to the YouTube posthaste. But first, take a lap through today’s slate of musical athletes as they deliver another marathon of malevolence. Every one’s a winner, baby:


Jupiter Cyclops | UFOnaut

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE: “After releasing their debut album Age Of The UFOnaut on July 19th, Phoenix’s Jupiter Cyclops are sharing their latest video for the title track, a riff-driven onslaught about a rare encounter with an interdimensional race. It’s a ripper that you can’t help but sing along to. Jupiter Cyclops offer an electrifying blend of energy, rockin’ riffs, catchy powerful vocal melodies and contagious grooves. Featuring scene veterans Aaron Peltz (Downthesun, On A Pale Horse), guitarist Dustin Lyon (Opiate For The Masses), bassist Jake Melius (Big Wheel Stunt Show) and drummer Kyle Eades (Old Fashion Assassin), the quartet’s cocktail of classic rock and NWOBHM is sure to please fans of Clutch, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and more. “The album is a journey through our minds,” they say. “What we have created was born out of our experiences and influences. It has an overall rock feel with a metal tinge, and a little acid trip mixed into it all.”

Infrared | Demon’s Blood

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE:Infrared are back with a vengeance in the video for Demon’s Blood. This is the first single off their upcoming album Manifestation, which is slated for a Sept. 6. Hailing from Ottawa, they are a blast from the past with their genuine ’80s sound. “This ripper of a song delves into the addict’s life and mind and how every day is a rinse and repeat of self-abuse,” they say. “It was one of the first songs written for the album and helped set the tone for the album’s intensity. We all have our demons and vices and this song captures just how harrowing and controlling it can be to be a victim to your own addiction.” Demon’s Blood is a prime example of Infrared’s ability to blend their classic thrash roots with contemporary themes. The band has matured and refined their sound, delivering high-energy, concise tracks that resonate with both longtime fans and new listeners.”

Mammoth Volume | The Battle Of Lightwedge

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE: “Swedish progenitors of progressive stoner rock Mammoth Volume present their fun and gaming-inspired video for The Battle Of Lightwedge. Their new album Raised Up By Witches, due Aug. 23, harnesses their absolute fluency with the somehow compatible genres of ’70s progressive rock and modern stoner riffage. The result is an absorbing trek through head-nodding grooves, wispy instrumentation and quirky brilliance that’s riveting. Raised Up By Witches is a seamless and exhilarating new trip where they’re basically the only vehicle on the road. About The Battle Of Lightwedge, they say: “Creative Writing 101: Write what you know. What does that mean for us? Well, Nicklas knows World of Warcraft and Daniel knows pen and paper role-playing games. The song already had lyrics inspired by Nicklas’ WoW playing, and that’s what most of the comic book illustrates. We then thought it would be fun to bookend the video with a role-playing session gone awry. While we were at it we also made it a lyrics video. As you might be able to tell it was a fun, beer-soaked and VERY fast shoot, so Jörgen and Kalle couldn’t make it in person and were turned into NPCs in the intro. No cats were harmed during the making of this video.”

NightWraith | Whispers Of Dragonflies

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE:NightWraith are a melodic death-metal band from Denver that explore the genre with an eclectic and intuitive approach. Using haunting melodies and triumphant anthems, NightWraith offer listeners a sonic pilgrimage into the heart of being human. They have two albums under their belts already, and this year, they unleash Divergence, due Sept. 13. Today they whet the palette of melodeath enjoyers with the video for Whispers Of Dragonflies. “This song was so much fun — from writing it to jamming it live to producing it, and then shooting a video, it was a blast every step of the way! The music is super melodic, the lyrics are meaningful, and we got to shoot the video in a beautiful performing arts center.” Whispers Of Dragonflies kicks off with a John Carpenter-style synth intro that leads into intense riffs, clean guitars and dynamic vocals. Singer-guitarist Benjamin Pitts says the song is a poem he wrote about an area in Colorado called the Lost Creek Wilderness.”

Planeswalker | Compleated

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE:Magic the Gathering-inspired power metal band Planeswalker (featuring members of Helion Prime, Gloryhammer) have returned with their newest single Compleated. This single tells the story of Yawgmoth, the father of machines and his departure from the Thran empire to become the ruler of Phyrexia, as well as his experiments with flesh and machine. Musically we see a darker turn to naturally fit the theme of the song. Complex riffs and soaring vocals are nothing new to Jason Ashcraft  and Sozos Michael. The pair are joined by Carlos Alvarez on bass and Stefanos Meletiou on drums this time around. Ashcraft comments: “I’m stoked to get some new Planeswalker material out into the world. This standalone single serves as a slight hint of what’s to come. We are working on a second album but have no immediate details on it just yet, but we hope this little slice can hold people over. I was also excited to contribute to writing this time around and I think this is a could example of what can be expected to come when Sozos and I riff together.”

Theigns & Thralls | The Grape & The Grain

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE:Theigns & Thralls, known for their distinctive blend of folk-metal and classic rock, announce the release of their new video for The Grape And The Grain. This track is part of their forthcoming album The Keep & The Spire, which showcases their evolution with a heavier and darker tone, devoid of acoustic tracks. Theigns & Thralls are the brainchild of Skyclad vocalist and songwriter Kevin Ridley, featuring Cruachan and Waylander band members. The new album not only reflects their artistic growth but also offers fans a deeper and more immersive experience. The Grape And The Grain holds a special place in the album, inspired by a memorable night with the band Celtibeerian. Ridley also drew from a personal anecdote involving his mother’s cautionary saying about mixing grape and grain.”

Heinous Exsanguination | Sever

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE: “Brace yourselves for an auditory bloodbath as Heinous Exsanguination release their first single Severed Limbs, Mangled Remains, from the upcoming EP The Stench of Decaying Flesh. Featuring a ferocious guest appearance by Richard Smihula of Desoectomy, the track is inspired by the graphic aftermath of conflict and disaster, horror, human suffering, and the enduring impact of violence. And also severed body parts. “This is a fast and relentless track, starting with chaotic blasts leading into a groovy slam section with no breaks to be found,” they say. “Richard brings some amazing gutturals to end the track in a brutal and uneasy manner.” Expect everything you would want from a slam band — blasts, breakdowns, slams, slow-downs.”

Gloria Perpetua | Have You Forsaken The Cross

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE: “On their upcoming debut album The Darkside We Wanna Hide, Brazil’s Gloria Perpetua showcase collaborations with renowned musicians from diverse backgrounds, including Timo Tolkki (ex-Stratovarius), Vitor Rodrigues (Native Blood), Luis Mariutti (Sinistra), João Noleto, Vitor Veiga (Aquaria), Guilherme Hirose (NorthTale), Marcelo Kalunga (solo) and Oruam (Deadly Fate). Influenced by bands like Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, Helloween, Stratovarius and Accept, Gloria Perpetua’s music offers a thrilling mix of heaviness and power. Their lyrics focus on themes of self-responsibility, positive change and fighting for a better world. Today, it’s time to get another shot of this upcoming record with the single Have You Forsaken The Cross?