Home Read Classic Album Review: The Katies | The Katies

Classic Album Review: The Katies | The Katies

The Tennessee power trio's debut looks too good to be true. And it just might be.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Three greasy, long-haired guys on the cover, slouching in their leather hats and torn jeans amid a shower of sparks. Song titles like Powerkiss, She’s My Marijuana and Noggin’ Poundin.’ Hell, one guy even has an Angus Young tattoo.

This debut disc from Tennessee trio The Katies looks to good to be true — and depending on your preferences, it might be. Instead of the stoner-metal riff-rick bombast you logically expect, what you get are 11 tracks of southern-fried power pop studded with Big Star melodies and Cheap Trick harmonies. Once you wrap your head around it, it’s actually pretty good — but kids who buy this hoping for Monster Magnet are gonna feel mightily ripped off. Somebody repackage this thing and fast.