Home Read Classic Album Review: I Mother Earth | Blue Green Orange

Classic Album Review: I Mother Earth | Blue Green Orange

The Canadian modern-rockers find a new singer — but they still can't find a chorus.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Bands who lose singers have three options: Pack it in (like The Doors, eventually), hire a clone (like AC/DC) or get somebody new and hope fans buy it (like Van Halen).

Modern-rockers I Mother Earth have gone for Door No. 3 on their post-Edwin debut Blue Green Orange. New vocalist Brian Byrne doesn’t have Edwin’s slithering, sensuous style; instead, it seems he’s spent time listening to Bono and Eddie Vedder — but his glammy side hints he knows the words to Bohemian Rhapsody too. He also seems to have spurred the band to expand musically — and when they push the envelope, experimenting with electronica and trip-hop, IME display a new spark. When they fall back on tired post-grunge, however, it’s quickly doused. And even at their best, these guys better learn how to write a chorus and fast. Otherwise, they won’t be looking for a singer next time; they’ll be looking for listeners.