Home Read Classic Album Review: Paul Burch | Fool For Love

Classic Album Review: Paul Burch | Fool For Love

The hard-working musician and sideman stays true to his roots on this solo release.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


As you might expect from a man who makes an album called Fool For Love, Paul Burch gets around.

The singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist was born in Washington but lives in Nashville. Over the years, he’s shacked up — musically speaking, that is — with everyone from chamber-pop quirksters Lambchop to raucous roots-rocker Bobby Bare Jr. Plus, every now and then he finds time to make a solo album like Fool For Love. This dozen-song beaut offers a nice cross-section of rootsy styles — Hank Sr.-style honkytonk, Roy Orbisonian romanticism, witty Nick Lowe-inspired roots-pop, even some Jimmie Rodgers-like high-lonesome yodelling — all presented with gentlemanly, old-fashioned courtesy and skill. For a guy who plays the field so extensively, Burch manages to remain faithful to his roots.