Home Read Classic Album Review: Cheap Trick | Music For Hangovers

Classic Album Review: Cheap Trick | Music For Hangovers

The rock goofballs' latest live album is damn good. But it could have been amazing.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


These veteran rock oddballs’ last tour wins the prize for coolest concept: They did four-night club stands with each night devoted to one of their first four albums, performed in its entirety and in running order.

That would have been something to see. And to hear. And it would have made for a better live box than the single-disc Music For Hangovers, which samples selected tracks from the shows. Don’t get me wrong: It’s great to finally get live versions of age-old gems like Hot Love, The Ballad Of T.V. Violence and Taxman, Mr. Thief. And if you think Cheap Trick At Budokan is the best live album ever recorded, this will probably be a close second. But even though it’s good — make that damn good — it could have been amazing.