Monday Mixtape | 70-Some Songs That Get Right Down To Business (Side 3)

Welcome to another week. Let’s skip the preamble and get right down to it with another great slate of new singles, videos, cover tunes, remixes, unburied treasures, golden oldies and live performances — most of which you won’t see or hear anywhere else. Your Tinnitist-approved tracks are tagged with an 🎲. Roll ’em:



1Sven Gali | Monster

2Immortalizer | We Were Born For Metal (ft. Ralf Scheepers)

3Bleeding Sun | Tryptophan

4Lo! | Our Fouling Larder

5Riptides | The Deepest Ocean

6Greymarch | The Prison We Make It

7Vypera | Rock N’ Roll

8Congenital Abnormalities | Through The Passage of Decay

9Darknet | IDGAF

10American Nightmare | Self Check-Out

11Grade 2 | Midnight Ferry

12Deadwolff | Homeward Bound

13Odinfist | Metalmancer

14Blutengel | Tief

15Necropanther | One And Only