Weekend Mixtape | 216 Songs To Take Your Mind Off Of Everything (Side 5)

Rising fascism, endless plagues, runaway inflation and unstoppable environmental disaster. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough of all that for one week. So I’m going to have an adult beverage (or six) and listen to these 216 new singles, videos, cover tunes, remixes and unearthed classics — including dozens of gems you can’t find anywhere else. I suggest you grab a libation of your choice and follow suit. After all, the world will still be going to hell tomorrow. Your Tinnitist-approved cuts are tagged with a 🍺. See you on the other side (he said hopefully):



🍺 84 | Izzy Von Scarecrow | Reaper

85 | Vazum | Angel

86 | Agnis | Transubstantiation

87 | Haunter | Go


88 | 408 | Drama King

89 | Sloth Fist | Cut Through It

90 | I/O | Loveless

91 | Hostile Array | Wounds

92 | Limbs | Blood And Heel

🍺 93 | Spaced | Prove You Wrong

94 | Jordan Michelle | It’s my Birthday: RIP To Me (ft. SK8 & Tosh the Drummer)

95 | Fame On Fire | Ketamine

96 | Screeching Weasel | Just Another Fool

97 | The Rieslinger | Return of the Vine Louse