Tuesday Mixtape | 103 Songs That Have All The Answers (Side 4)

Happy 81st birthday to Bob Dylan. I wonder how he’s celebrating — somehow I can’t picture him blowing out candles as people sing Happy Birthday. Anyway, if you’re not listening to Zimmy today, here are 103 new singles, videos, cover tunes and remixes to try out — including a few dozen you won’t find anywhere else. Today’s Tinnitist-approved cuts are tagged with a 🎂. Save me a corner.



55 | Erin Anne | Typhoid Mary

56 | Palindrones | Sulis Minerva

57 | Dreamhour | Light


🎂 58 | Omnigone | Don’t Give Up The War

59 | Counterpunch | Rewire

🎂 60 | Mikey Erg | Caroline Told Me So

🎂 61 | Short Fictions | The Great Unwashed

🎂 62 | Tony Molina | The Last Time

63 | Adult School | Off Day

64 | Wred Fright | Why Honey Sings

65 | Box Elder | Bug