Tuesday Mixtape (Side 5) | 60 Songs That Can’t Lose

Did you hear that Nikki Sixx is writing a children’s book? No, I’m not kidding. Reportedly, he says it’s going to be about “this little girl who goes to all of these countries in her imagination.” I can only assume that during these travels, she starts a sleaze-rock band, has sex with countless strippers, ODs on heroin … and then lives happily ever after. Sounds like a winner to me. Much like the 60 new singles, videos, cover tunes and remixes in today’s playlist. As usual, there are plenty of songs here that you won’t find anywhere else. Today’s Tinnitist-approved cuts are flagged with a 👑. And now, on with our story:



👑 49 | Christone “Kingfish” Ingram | Long Distance Woman

50 | Plum Green | Raspberry Vine

51 | Crake | Lamb’s Tail

👑 52 | Black Country, New Road – ‘Bread Song

53 | Bill Fay | Dust Filled Room

54 | The Brethren | Loving In The Moment

👑 55 | The Troumatics | Now That You’re Gone

56 | Linda Draper | ’81 Camaro

57 | Coco Melies | Slowdown


👑 58 | Shay Hazan | Afrobeatz


59 | Stromboli | Unseen

60 | David Allred | Driving