Home Read Classic Album Review: Sea of Green | Time to Fly

Classic Album Review: Sea of Green | Time to Fly

The Toronto trio’s stoner-metal is designed to be savoured at (ahem) high volume.

This came out in 2001 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


With some bands, you have to pay close attention to make sure you catch every bit of musical subtlety and lyrical nuance. Sea of Green are not one of those bands.

This Toronto trio’s overdriven stoner-metal and boogie-rock are, I suspect, designed to be savoured at (ahem) high volume. That way, the crushing Black Sabbath riffs, wobbly wah-wah solos, tom tom-heavy drums and depth-charge fuzz bass all fuse together into a giant wave of headbanging intensity. Another advantage of turning on before tuning in: The louder it is, the less you’re apt to focus on lyrics like, “People of the Earth, hear what I say / Live your life to the fullest, every day.” Talk about harshing your buzz.