Weekend Mixtape (Side 6) | 214 Songs I Triple-Dog Dare You To Hear

With June speeding to an end and summer holidays looming, everybody is rushing to get their latest release out before it’s too late. Too late for what, you ask? Beats me, frankly. All I know is I got more than 500 emails today — and they’re still coming in as I write this. I whittled them down to these 214 videos, singles, remixes and cover tunes. That ought tide you over until next Monday. Or next month, for that matter.


90 | Co-Culture Living | Renegador

91 | Wingtips | Cross The Line

92 | Drama | Don’t Hold Back (Tensnake Remix)

93 | Pure Obsessions & Red Nights | Your Own Enemy (Kanga Remix)

94 | Gayance | Kinda Strange

95 | Flight Facilities | Lights Up (Myd Remix ft. Channel Tres)

96 | Joe Turner | Wings

97 | Alvaro Medina & Alffie | Aportar

98 | Bunny X & Don Dellpiero | Perfect Paradise

99 | La Croix et La Bannière | Energy (Sierra Remix)

100+101 | Darius Syrossian & Bushwacka! | Return To Jericho + Akkabi

102 | Fearless Dread | Sucker Punch

103 | Pilotwings | Ça Sulfite (Censurée)