Sonic Reducers | New Morrissey On The Block

Moz says he's selling his album to the highest bidder. We say: Why stop there?

‘How much am I bid for Morrissey? Do I hear $1 million? OK, how about $100,000?’ OK, it probably won’t go down like that. But maybe it should.

According to the intewebs, Moz is apparently going to sell his upcoming album Bonfire Of Teenagers to the highest bidder — if you can believe anything that comes out of his mouth these days. Either way, that sounds like a great idea to world-class publicist and lifelong Smiths fanatic Eric Alper and me. And in today’s episode of Sonic Reducers, we talk Morrissey, argue that all recording artists should have to auction off their music in public, and agree that really, Morrissey should just stick to writing song titles. Sonic Reducers. One topic. Two music nerds. Five minutes. Everything you need to know.