Home Read Classic Album Review: Scorpions | Acoustica

Classic Album Review: Scorpions | Acoustica

This came out in 2001 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Hallo everybody!! We are Scorpions band!! We are back!! But alas, we are so out of touch we did not know the whole Unplugged trend is deader than Klaus Meine’s scalp!! So our new comeback CD is an all-acoustic album!! Yes!! Thank you!! Here we go!!

First, we will play our boogie-rock classic The Zoo so you will think this won’t be so bad!! But it will be!! Oh yes!! Because after that, aside from one rocking number — Catch Your Train from our best album, Virgin Killer — we will spend nearly an hour playing all our wimpiest ballads!! Do you want to hear Wind Of Change?! How about Still Loving You?! I can’t hear you!! Oh — you didn’t scream with approval?! Well, then, we will play covers of Kansas’s Dust In The Wind and The CarsDrive!! Why?! We have no idea!! Thank you!! At the end, we will acoustically rock you like a Hurricane — so you will wake up and go home!! Goodnight!!