Kahnin Takes A Wild Ride In Ducktape Video & Single

"It’s about being in the wrong place at the wrong time," says the Icelandic artist.

Kahnin muses on mistaken identity and answering to authorities in his new single and video for Ducktape — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

Ducktape is a song that can take on many meanings,” says the Icelandic artist born Gudmundur Jens Gudmundsson. “For example, it can easily be associated with all the craziness that is going on in the world today, but mostly, it’s a song about being in the wrong place at the wrong time — kids having fun, sort of thing — mistaken identity, and being interrogated by the authorities in an unethically harsh manner.

“The song’s main mechanics started after I had been watching some CIA conspiracy documentary. I imagined how horrible it would be to be mistaken for some counterspy, and if it would ever be possible to get out of a situation like that. But with that said, the song still has a very fun/feel good atmosphere about it!” Kahnin insists. “And the reason behind the spelling of this song duck instead of duct is simple: being that English is my second language, I always believed this is how it was spelled. I never really thought, ‘Why in the hell would it be named after a duck?!’ ”

Produced by guitarist Arthur Pingrey (Sia, Sting, Norah Jones), the song also features Dylan Wissing (Alicia Keys, Eminem, Drake, Jay Z) on drums and Kahnin on vocals and guitar. “Ducktape strays away from my previous songs whilst still staying true to my sound,” Kahnin says. “Ducktape carries a harder pop/rock edge to it and a heavier tempo which differs from my previous songs. My philosophy on music is to always try and step away from what is comfortable and experiment with the colours of the music. Ducktape does that for me.”

Watch Ducktape above, hear more from Kahnin below, and check him out on his website, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.