Home See Ramshackle Rodeo Ride Back To the ’90s With Duga 3 Single

Ramshackle Rodeo Ride Back To the ’90s With Duga 3 Single

The Irish electro-rock exports share the latest cut off their Back From The East album.

Irish electro-rockers Ramshackle Rodeo rope in some classic sounds with their new single Duga 3 — showcasing today on Tinnitist!

The latest track from the Derry exports’ 2019 album Back From The East, the trippy Duga 3 delivers a soundscape that cycles through grunged-up guitar riffs set atop a driving, baggy beat and persistent percussion.

“This is a spiritually coherent, no-frills, bedroom-produced, genre-splitting musical narrative,” frontman and main brain Stephen Cassidy says, laying bare the genesis of both the track and the nine songs that precede it on the record. “There are melodies and rhythms that trade places in ambient, rock and dystopian electronic soundscapes. There are echoes of early 90s Baggy and House to be heard, re-remembered like foggy dreams.”

The title comes from a huge over-the-horizon radar system used as part of the Soviet missile defence’s early-warning radar network. “Its rusting radioactive remains lie beside Chernobyl in the exclusion zone,” Cassidy says. “During the cold war you could pick up its signal on short wave radio. If it ever got turned back on this might be the radioactive groove it would spit.”

Check out Duga 3 above.