Home See Late-Night TV Music (Famine Edition) | June 27, 2019

Late-Night TV Music (Famine Edition) | June 27, 2019

Popster Julia Michaels had the field all to herself on Thursday.

When it comes to music on the late-night talk shows, it’s often a case of feast or famine. Lately, the situation has been strictly from hunger. Between holidaying hosts and political debates taking up airtime, it’s has been a seriously slim week for tunes on the tube. On Thursday night, for instance, there was just one performer: Popster Julia Michaels, singing her single Hurt Again for a typically enthusiastic (but seriously tired-looking) Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show. Since that was it, I thought about skipping today’s post, but what the hey, it’s not Michaels’ fault. Besides, there are worse songs you could hear to kick off your Friday morning. And this way you’ll still have plenty of room for today’s music reviews. Stay tuned.
