Home Read Classic Album Review: Luscious Jackson | Electric Honey

Classic Album Review: Luscious Jackson | Electric Honey

The N.Y.C. pop-rockers suffer from diminishing returns on their third studio release.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


They used to be the bee’s knees — but on Electric Honey, New York B-girls Luscious Jackson have definitely lost their sting.

It’s been three years since their last CD Fever In Fever Out, but aside from dropping their keyboard player, LJ haven’t changed a bit on this third release. They’re still churning out the same breezy, downtown hip-hop, full of simmering, subdued grooves and cool, smoky vocals. The only difference is none of these songs can hold a scented candle to old hits like Naked Eye or Citysong. As summer beach music, it’ll do just fine — but in any other setting, this reconstituted Honey is less than electrifying.