Home Hear Norine Braun | Journey Toward Wholeness: Exclusive Album Premiere

Norine Braun | Journey Toward Wholeness: Exclusive Album Premiere

The Canadian singer-songwriter traces her heritage in her personal new release.

Norine Braun invites you to join her on a transformative Journey Toward Wholeness with her revealing new album — premiering exclusively on Tinnitist.

For her latest full-length release, the celebrated Canadian singer-songwriter undertakes a spiritual quest that delves deep into her personal journey as an adoptee, exploring her Red River Metis heritage and uncovering a newfound sense of identity and belonging. The soul-based roots-rock album promises to deliver a rich and evocative experience, combining Braun’s heartfelt vocals with a melodic exploration of identity, heritage, and the universal voyage of self-discovery.

The first single Quest Before Me delves into the hero’s journey we all undertake in life, emphasizing the importance of looking inward, leaving the ordinary, and opening ourselves to our true selves. The album also features the deeply personal single Adoption, which explores the complex emotions and experiences associated with being an adoptee. Braun reflects on the lifelong struggle to form an authentic sense of self while growing up away from biological roots and bloodline. True to its title, the song Abandon expresses the profound and primal feelings of abandonment.

Early in her adult life, Braun had to reconcile the possibility of never knowing the story of her origin or who her ancestors were. Despite this, she found comfort in the belief that somehow her ancestors knew who she was. A decade ago, a DNA test confirmed her Indigenous background but provided no clues about her father. In 2021, following the passing of her adoptive mother, Braun received a life-changing email from a cousin revealing the identity of her birth father. Not only was he alive, but he also knew of Braun and wanted to meet her. The timing was uncanny, as the paternal discovery occurred only two days after her mother’s passing. “In between tears of grief for the loss of my mother, there was great joy at learning who I came from and my lineage,” Braun recounts.

Ascending Lullaby, another heartfelt tribute on the album, is dedicated to Braun’s late mother. The song explores themes of love, loss, and the transcendent journey from one life to another, drawing inspiration from her mother’s intense connection with birds. Despite facing illness and adversity, her mother found deep solace in their presence and her mother’s joy and gratitude remained unwavering, Braun shares. The song also sheds light on the plight of whippoorwills, whose habitats are threatened by various environmental challenges.

The single Hunting Buffalo, released earlier this year, pays tribute to the historical significance of Manitoba and a place where many of her Metis ancestors settled after the decline of buffalo hunting including her great, great, great grandfather Pierre Poitras, one of Louis Riel’s convention of 40. Journey Toward Wholeness promises to resonate with those who, like Braun, have faced the challenges of unknown origins, offering insight and inspiration to individuals on their own inner journeys of self-discovery.

Listen to Journey Toward Wholeness below, watch the videos for the album above, and connect with Norine Braun on her website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.