This came out in 2005 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):
Sometimes the cover pic says it all.
With his John Schneiderish mop of blond locks, Fu Manchu ‘stach and gold aviator shades, the one-named Artanker — drummer, namesake and apparent leader of Brooklyn’s Artanker Convoy — resembles a refugee from a ’70s cop show on the cover of the group’s debut Mature Fantasy. And fittingly so, since the Brooklyn quintet’s funky acid-jazz would be the perfect soundtrack for such a series. The Miles On the Corner grooves, the moodily hypnotic sax lines, the chukka-chukka wah-wah guitars, the conga drums; they’re all spot on. The only thing that could make it more authentically retro would be a cameo by Antonio Fargas.