This came out in 2000 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):
Did you ever notice that when people talk about their favourite horror flick, they never name, say, Halloween IV or Friday the 13th Part III in 3D?
Likewise, nobody gushes about the score to Psycho 3 or Nightmare on Elm Street V. And trust me, the soundtrack to Scream 3 — billed as the final sequel in Kevin Williamson’s horror-movie spoof series — isn’t going to change that tune. As predictable as the inevitable cat scare, this collection of one-dimensional nu-metal is divided between the usual crop of Marilyn Manson and Rob Zombie horror-rock impersonators (Dope, Powerman 5000, Static-X) and guitar-toting rock and rap-metal dudes (Creed, Incubus, Orgy, Staind) — all of whom assault the listener as relentlessly as Jason. Spend your money on a good copy of Bernard Herrmann’s Psycho score instead.